Bulk Order / Sample Order
To view products, click on appropriate category in "View Catalogue".
Choose the designs you are interested in and click on Bulk Order or Sample Order.
After choosing all the required products, click on "Shop Cart" at the top links.
Check all the items and delete unwanted cards and other items.
Select Country and Payment options.
Fill in the billing information. If shipping address is same, then checkmark on "Yes", and if different from billing address, then fill the shipping address and then click to pay.
UNIVERSAL asks customers to supply various personal data when placing an order, such as name and address, credit-card information, and e-mail address only on behalf of CCAVENUE.COM which is 100% secure and will be connected to '128 bit SSL'
Provide credit card details and then click on the "Submit" button.
In case you do not want to order, just click on "Query" or if you face any problem, please send us a mail at mail@universalweddingcards.com
Please note : universalweddingcards.com / universal exports is not authorize to keep or save customer's credit card information anywhere and pls do not send credit card information to be used in mailing lists, surveys, or any other purpose other than what is required to perform our services.
Universal exports reserves the right to print the url www.universalweddingcards.com on stationery and/or images of same to save copyright, being copied and to avoid misuse for commercial purposes. Products will not be dispatched without url printing before prior approval and consent of customer.
UNIVERSAL is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers' personal data.